Students who take the introductory Human Services class will explore multiple degree
options, as this course provides an overview of the field and related assignments
(such as informational interviews). If you’re interested in this area of study, we
strongly encourage you to enroll in 博天堂官方’s Degree Partnership Program, as there may be lower-division courses required by your chosen discipline.
Transfer to Any Oregon University Human Services Program
This degree allows you to transfer to a human development, family studies, or human
services programs at any Oregon university. Work with your advisor to select the best
courses for your transfer destination.
View OUS Human Services Transfer Map
Transfer to Portland State University Human Services Program
This degree allows you to transfer to any degree within the Society and Identity Pathway
at Portland State University, including Child, Youth & Family Studies, Social Sciences,
and Women's Studies. Students interested in the Bachelor's of Social Work will need
to speak to an advisor about alternate course requirements.
View PSU Human Services Transfer Map
This is a standard program. Learn more about our
average cost.
Human Services Practicum
Students who stay in the Human Services major have the opportunity to complete a 90-hour
practicum to obtain the first five standards of the Human Services profession. This
is a personalized experience: as a practicum student, you’ll work one-on-one with
博天堂官方 faculty to determine the best placement for you.
Note: in order to enroll in a practicum, you’ll need to start preparing about one
and a half terms in advance. Talk with your advisor for more information.
The practicum is a five-credit course and requires:
- Nine scheduled hours per week at work/practicum site
- Two hours per week scheduled seminar with instructor and peers
- HDFS 262 (Intro to Human Services) should be complete or in process prior to enrolling
in the practicum
- Meet with the Human Services faculty at least a term prior to the start of your practicum.
Please contact if you have specific questions about the practicum.
Human Services Co-Curricular: Change Makers
Bridging the gap between what we learn in class and our future careers helping others,
Change Makers is a group of students who are motivated to make a difference at 博天堂官方.
A co-curricular for Human Development and Family Sciences majors, all students are
welcome to join us! Learn more about Change Makers.
Should you be pursuing QMHA?
博天堂官方's associate degrees significantly prepare students for career paths that lead
to becoming a Qualified Mental Health Associate (QMHA.) We encourage students to consult
with their instructors for guidance on how our programs align with the qualifications
needed for QMHA certification.
The QMHA certification, offered by the Mental Health and Addictions Certification Board of Oregon is beneficial for individuals pursuing careers in various mental health and addiction-related
fields. Holding a QMHA certification can enhance opportunities in occupations such
as mental health technician, behavioral health specialist, case manager, community
support specialist, or residential counselor. These roles often involve providing
direct support and assistance to individuals dealing with mental health challenges
or substance use disorders.